interested in all aspects of plants, EVOLUTIon, herbaria, and education
Boraginaceae, one of the largest families of the Lamiids, is characterized by a scorpioid cyme, gynobasic style, and nutlets. Although these features in the family are constant, others, including leaf venation, corolla shape, herkogamy, and nutlet ornamentation, are quite variable. Consequently, the family provides in an interesting group to study questions concerning the evolution of various morphological features. In order to address these questions in a phylogenetic context, my students and I are working to create a matrix that includes DNA regions from the three plant genomes as well as morphological characters. The phylogeny derived from this matrix will inform our understanding of evolutionary relationships, character evolution, development, and taxonomy.
Boraginaceae, one of the largest families of the Lamiids, is characterized by a scorpioid cyme, gynobasic style, and nutlets. Although these features in the family are constant, others, including leaf venation, corolla shape, herkogamy, and nutlet ornamentation, are quite variable. Consequently, the family provides in an interesting group to study questions concerning the evolution of various morphological features. In order to address these questions in a phylogenetic context, my students and I are working to create a matrix that includes DNA regions from the three plant genomes as well as morphological characters. The phylogeny derived from this matrix will inform our understanding of evolutionary relationships, character evolution, development, and taxonomy.